Monday, July 27, 2009

new adventures

Since I posted last time, we had a garage sale that bombed, we visited with our friends Kristy and Andy and their beautiful children. We met up with Lisa Slagle(Alexis' teacher from the last three years) and her two girls and went to the water park and the kids had a lot of fun. Alexis even went down the really big slide once. Hunter started smaller and went down a open tube slide. Then we visited the Leblanc's for a few minutes. We've gone to the zoo, but we didn't take any pictures this time. We went to the beach last Friday and none of got burnt. Then we went to Pioneer day where my kids had even more fun rolling down hills and fishing and beating pieces of tin with nails and rocks. I wasn't too thrilled about that. Alexis and Hunter are now enjoying swim lessons. Today was their first day and hopefully in two weeks they'll be able to swim. If not swim, maybe not drown would be good. Heath is almost done with school. This is our last week, so hopefully we will have a decent schedule soon. HUNTER LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH ON SATURDAY! His adult teeth were growing in behind his baby teeth. He looked like a shark with rows of teeth. His other front tooth is loose as well and so maybe we won't have to do the braces thing. Hunter also got his first real big boy bike on Saturday. He's very excited. Alexis has to wait until two more paychecks to get hers but I found one that I can afford. My kids are enjoying the summer, but Alexis is counting the days until school starts. Literally counting them. She went to her new school today and she saw some of her teachers from her old school there teaching summer school. She was so excited. She was a little upset when she realized that they wouldn't be there when school actually started. So here's to the road ahead.

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