Friday, June 10, 2011

Making Rope

Troop 444 is working on the Pioneering Merit Badge this month, and for the first activity we learned a way to make rope. We make this a team activity, and explained this is to show the principles of how rope is made, not necessarily how it is physically made. However of the three groups, one was able to twist the sisal twine so well it looked professionally made. The other groups did great also, despite having some technical issues. The weeks of June will be focused on different requirements of the Merit Badge.

Heres the Guide with Group 3

Here's Group 2 seeing if Quick Clips can bend.

Group 1 nearing the end of the project.

Group 1 in deep concentration.

Group 2 working smarter not harder.

Group 3 had a late start due to lack of material.

Group 3 hadn't found his wonderful happy thought yet.

Now he's found it, add a little Pixie Dust and this kid can fly.
Ask him what it was.