Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School has started!

So school started yesterday, and with it came a lot of crappy things. I forgot to take pictures because it was pouring rain. Hunter catches his bus around 7:25 and Alexis catches hers at 7:35. So I literally run back to the house and grab Alexis and run her down to the bus stop because she was still eating breakfast when I took Hunter. I forgot to pack her lunch last night. So I had to find two dollars to send with her for lunch. And yesterday was not one of my best days. Now the house is quiet and I am supposed to be cleaning not playing around on the computer. This is life. Hunter is very excited about school, Alexis told me her teacher was mean. I smiled to myself. She's not excited anymore because she realizes that she has to do a lot of work in third grade. She had homework yesterday. I was hoping we could wait a few days before that started, but oh well. I will post pictures later.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Its been 10 years!